2024-06-23 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ Karl Denninger

This week’s interview on RLA Radio features Karl Denninger. RLA host Dennis Tubbergen gets Denninger’s comments on the economy, medical system, and politics. They also discussed the current state of the economy and the stock market. Denninger compared the market’s refusal to decline despite bearish economic indicators to Pavlov’s dog experiment, suggesting that the market…

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2024-03-03 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ Michael Pento

Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with Michael Pento, founder and president of Pento Portfolio Strategies, this week about the current state of the stock market and the potential implications of insider selling. Pento highlights the high ratio of insider selling to insider buying, suggesting that insiders may know something that the mainstream…

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2024-02-11 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ John Rubino

Your host, Dennis Tubbergen, speaks with John Rubino on this episode of Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio about the state of the US economy and the potential for a financial crisis. Rubino discusses the emergence of what he calls “The Everything Bubble” and how it is causing inflation and threatening the financial system. He also highlights…

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2022-11-06 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ John Rubino

It’s a mess, our policymakers have screwed up on a scale that historians are going to have a field day with. And we right now are living through the consequences of those screwups. There’s very little politically that can be done, the problems themselves are mathematically unsolvable. This week on Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio we…

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2022-08-28 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ Michael Pento

The stock market today, at 170% of GDP, is not in any regard reflective of the underlying conditions of global central banks tightening into a worldwide recession. This statement from Michael Pento, our guest this week on Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio. Your host, Dennis Tubbergen, talks with Pento about the comparison of today’s equities market…

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