2024-06-23 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ Karl Denninger

This week’s interview on RLA Radio features Karl Denninger. RLA host Dennis Tubbergen gets Denninger’s comments on the economy, medical system, and politics. They also discussed the current state of the economy and the stock market. Denninger compared the market’s refusal to decline despite bearish economic indicators to Pavlov’s dog experiment, suggesting that the market…

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2024-06-02 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ Jeffrey Tucker

This week on RLA Radio, your host, Dennis Tubbergen, talks with Jeffrey Tucker, founder of The Brownstone Institute, about the history of government control over money and the potential for digital currencies. Tucker explained that historically, markets have been capable of producing their own money, but governments have consistently sought to maintain a monopoly over…

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2024-05-12 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ Karl Denninger

Karl Denninger joins your host Dennis Tubbergen on this week’s Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio show. Denninger expressed skepticism about the recent healthy jobs report, noting that many of the jobs added were in healthcare and government, sectors that add cost to living but not necessarily betterment. He also pointed out that employment in sectors that…

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2024-04-21 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ Kerry Lutz

In this week’s Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio show, host Dennis Tubbergen interviews Kerry Lutz, founder of the Financial Survival Network, who discusses the current economic climate and investment strategies. Lutz suggested that inflation is likely to continue to rise and that investing in assets that generate cash flow, such as residential real estate, is a…

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2024-03-17 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ Kerry Lutz

In an interview with Kerry Lutz, financial expert Dennis Tubbergen discussed the current state of the economy. Tubbergen believes that the economy is artificially inflated due to government spending and that without this spending, the US would be in a severe recession. He also suggested that the current economic situation is akin to a Ponzi…

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2024-03-03 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ Michael Pento

Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio host Dennis Tubbergen speaks with Michael Pento, founder and president of Pento Portfolio Strategies, this week about the current state of the stock market and the potential implications of insider selling. Pento highlights the high ratio of insider selling to insider buying, suggesting that insiders may know something that the mainstream…

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2024-02-25 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ Dr. A. Gary Shilling

This week host of Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio, Dennis Tubbergen, talks with Dr. A. Gary Shilling, publisher of the Insight newsletter, about the state of the US economy and the possibility of a recession. Dr. Shilling points out several recessionary indicators, such as declining consumer intentions to buy houses and cars, declining consumer confidence, and…

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2024-02-18 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ Mark Jeftovic

This week on Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio, your host, Dennis Tubbergen, talks and discusses the current state of the Federal Reserve and the potential for rate cuts in 2024 with guest Mark Jeftovic. He believes that the Fed and other central banks have started a slow-motion pivot, pretending to be hawkish while being unable to…

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