2024-04-21 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ Kerry Lutz

In this week’s Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio show, host Dennis Tubbergen interviews Kerry Lutz, founder of the Financial Survival Network, who discusses the current economic climate and investment strategies. Lutz suggested that inflation is likely to continue to rise and that investing in assets that generate cash flow, such as residential real estate, is a…

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2024-02-25 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ Dr. A. Gary Shilling

This week host of Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio, Dennis Tubbergen, talks with Dr. A. Gary Shilling, publisher of the Insight newsletter, about the state of the US economy and the possibility of a recession. Dr. Shilling points out several recessionary indicators, such as declining consumer intentions to buy houses and cars, declining consumer confidence, and…

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2024-02-04 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ Karl Denninger

Karl Denninger, a writer and analyst, joins your host, Dennis Tubbergen, this week on Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio to discuss the current state of the stock market and the potential for a recession. He questions the belief that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates, pointing out that there is no official statement from the…

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2023-12-24 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ Dr. Robert McHugh

Your host, Dennis Tubbergen, speaks with Dr. Bob McHugh, a technical analyst, about his concerns regarding the current state of the economy and markets. McHugh highlights five fundamental economic points that suggest a potential economic recession and stock market crash. These points include the historical pattern of recessions and stock market crashes following the end…

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2023-11-12 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ Mark Jeftovic

Inflation went from “transient” to, “it’s good for you” to, “we’ve got to do something before we have a revolution on our hands”. But (the Fed) they’re kind of trapped now because they can’t keep raising (interest rates) because we’re seeing what’s happening to the debt and the bond markets. They can’t raise and they…

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2023-11-05 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ Dr. Charles Nenner

This week on Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio, Dr. Charles Nenner, a specialized analyst who uses cycles to analyze markets, explains to your host, Dennis Tubbergen, how he applies his cycle analysis to forecast market movements. He emphasizes that cycles are not mystical but have a physical component based on the influence of the sun’s electromagnetic…

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